Thoughts on Exercise from Sarah Marklew

Sarah has been an Enjoy Movement client for a while, and I always thought her passion for health and well-being would make her an excellent personal trainer. So I was thrilled when she told me she wanted to broaden her knowledge by training as a PT, and I am even more thrilled she's sharing that knowledge by working with us!

Sarah has so much to offer; great technical knowledge, a positive and supportive attitude, and, importantly, lots of fun to be around. In addition, she has a passion for creating an inclusive fitness space that welcomes everybody, so she is perfect for The Enjoy Movement Team.

What is your relationship with exercise like? How has it evolved over the years?

It’s fair to say I came to exercise later in life than most - the humiliation of school PE stayed with me for years! I was always interested in going to the gym, but the few times I ventured there, I was out of my comfort zone, without any knowledge and too intimidated to ask for help.

I was 37 when I discovered Carole's outdoor bootcamps, and it took me about three months to find the courage to go. Fate must have had a hand in it because the day I finally chose to go, I was the only person in the class and had the benefit of half an hour of one-to-one attention. I had never even done a lunge before!

That half hour was enough to make me realise that exercise was enjoyable. I recognised the benefits for my mental and physical health. A few weeks later, I started doing PT with Carole and loved the new feeling of being stronger and fitter.

In my twenties, I thought exercise was solely about fat loss, and it had to be brutal and punishing to achieve this. Now I know it’s actually about moving your body in different ways; being stronger; feeling happier due to the mental health benefits, and the satisfaction of mastering a new or more intense exercise is joyful!

Fat loss is more of a happy side effect than a goal, and this shift in mindset has been key for me. I want to be independent and mobile into old age, and now exercise is as much a part of my life as going to bed at night; 15-year-old me would never have believed it!

What motivated you to qualify as a personal trainer?

I think many women feel as I felt. That exercise is something they would like to have as part of their life, but they need to figure out where to start. I’m passionate about showing women they can lift weights and be strong - and that the fitness space is not just for people who look a certain way.

I empathise with these feelings and want to help women feel empowered to make healthy changes. Frankly, if I can do it, anyone can, and I’m excited to help others do the same.

What are your key messages to anyone who would like to make lifestyle changes, such as being more active?

For me, reframing how I thought about exercise was the first step. Recognising that being active is vital for mental and physical health rather than being a punishment is vital. A lot of us feel exercise is part of diet culture, but there is so much more to it than that.

Little and often is beneficial - you don't have to go to the gym and work to exhaustion to achieve results. Structured resistance training sessions a couple of times a week and walking a couple of miles two or three times a week are sufficient! Adding extras is easy, too - run up the stairs, keep weights in the kitchen, do squats when you’re putting the washing away etc.

Think of exercise as an investment in your future self. Every shoulder press and squat you do now is like money in the bank for older age. Being active and strong now will help maintain mobility and strength for the years ahead.

Who would you like to work with, and what problems can you help with?

I'd love to work with women who are just starting on the exercise journey or returning to it after a break and are feeling overwhelmed and intimidated about where to begin.

I know that feeling so well, and I can help make exercise an enjoyable experience rather than something to dread. My ideal client is someone who thinks "they can't" because I know they definitely can! So my way of working is gentle and supportive but determined too.

If you’d like to book personal training sessions with Sarah, please get in touch.