Exercise make us feel good! 

Guest Blog – Ellie Douglas Personal Trainer with The Enjoy Movement 

Three and a half months in and lockdown is starting to change. We can begin to enjoy some freedom’s again; with prospects of further relaxations of the rules seeming to be within our sights.

Having experienced the last 5 months or so, with regards to exercise, what has surprised/changed for you?  We have all had to make big changes to the way we exercise, moving from outdoor exercise classes and personal training sessions where the focus has been about enjoying moving alongside the mood boosting effects of the fresh air, to getting to grips with Zoom and online classes.

If you are reading this, I know that you already place high value on Carole, on The Enjoy Movement and on your freedom to move your body in your way.   It is likely that you have already seen and ‘felt’ the link between your chosen activity and your state of mind (i.e. your mental health).  What I am wondering is – has this evolved in any way during the last few months or even surprised you? 

One form of outdoor exercise per day was one of our only freedoms during the strictest lockdown phases. Therefore it would make sense that exercise may begin to enjoy a new priority in people’s lives. Exercise was no longer a ‘should’ that had to be squeezed into our busy schedule’s. It was now fundamental to our physical and mental health. It had the chance to be our ‘me-time’; our break from our confined family homes; our breathing space. Without it, lockdown would have been that much harder. I truly hope that many people remember that and perhaps begin to associate exercise with the freedom to look after ourselves; instead of its usual weight-loss, appearance-based connotations. 

Something that has surprised me is how exercise also became a much-needed social outlet.  From my perspective, seeing and hearing all of you over Zoom during our classes absolutely made my day! I would feel instantly happier, more relaxed, and better placed to carry on with my day. 

The social and connective benefits of exercise have not only shown me how much we humans need contact with each other; but also how group classes can be such a fantastic way of achieving this. Again without it, how would our mental health have fared?

Going forward, I think it is worth remembering how moving and challenging our bodies (on our own or together) affected us during lockdown. If it really helped you – then can we look at this time as a chance to keep exercise as a priority in our lives? So that it doesn’t go back to being something we have to squeeze in. 

Reflection is what I am getting at here. Can you reflect on what exercise has meant to you during lockdown? Did anything surprise you? If it has truly helped you, can you make plans to ensure that your fitness and mental health goes up the rankings – and stays there? As restrictions are lifted, many of us will be reassessing how our lives were before; and whether we want to ‘pick up where we left off’ or to make some compassionate changes for ourselves. 

Being a Personal Trainer, I of course will always tell everyone “exercise is amazing for you!” What I hope now is that lockdown has shown many of us that exercise, activity, and moving our bodies in ways that we love is a vital part of us feeling healthy, content and connected. 

Ellie Douglas is a Personal Trainer with The Enjoy Movement.  She has a special interest in the benefits of exercise for mental health, inspired by her own experience of mental ill-health.  She is a Level 3 GP Exercise Referral Personal Trainer (qualifying her to work with several medical conditions alongside your personal goals and fitness); a qualified Mental Health First Aider and currently studying for her Pre and Post Natal qualification (to work with you during and after pregnancy); and is also studying to become a Level 4 Mental Health specialist Personal Trainer. Ellie teaches Enjoy Fitness classes and personal training sessions.  She also has her own business and leads Run Together groups every Tuesday evening, focusing on running for mental health. Check out her social media on Facebook and Instagram @wellbeingfitwithellie. 




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