Why work with a female personal trainer

Why work with a female personal trainer? 

Many of my clients, both men and women, have specifically wanted a female personal trainer.  When I have asked why, the most common answer is that women make more amiable personal trainers than men as there is less machismo. Of course, this is all individual perception, I have met intimidating male and female trainers over the years. I think the most important thing is finding the trainer that is right for you.   

A good client/trainer relationship is really important and can have a massive impact on whether you enjoy your sessions and make progress, so finding a trainer who is going to be able to work with you so you fulfill our potential is all important.

At The Enjoy Movement all our personal trainers are female, and so are the majority of our client base, so of course, I’m a big fan of female PT’s.

I thought I’d canvass some opinions from friends and clients (predominantly female) to see why they like working with female trainers.  

Here’s some of the feedback I received: 

  • Women know women – we can understand how hormones impact our moods and energy levels, for example. 

  • Women can be less intimidating and are less likely to engage with bravado or competitiveness

  • Women more often understand the complex relationship many of us have with food and exercise.    

  • Having a female personal trainer means feeling comfortable and safe, particularly if they are coming into your home.

These are all very valid reasons for wanting a female personal trainer. 

However, one of the most fundamental things to a great experience is to choose a personal trainer that you connect with. Someone that understands your motivations and also recognises your challenges and barriers.

It’s important to find a trainer who has your best interests at heart and will solely focus on you, in the time you’re together.  All the technical brilliance can’t make up for a lack of great customer service and it’s fundamental to really put the client at the centre of everything.  It’s also worth reflecting on how you want to train…in a gym, in the fresh air, in a private studio?

We all have a generic qualification that qualifies us to work with the general population. But many of us also possible have specific interests or additional qualifications in specific areas. So do some research and find a trainer that has experience with clients just like you. There are so many of us out there now and most of us work flexibly so it’s a great time to experience the benefits of some individual care and attention.

 I’d love to hear your thoughts, what makes for a great personal trainer? If you’re based in Tunbridge Wells or nearby, why not drop me an message? We’re always happy to chat about how we can help and we offer a free 30 minute exploratory consultation.

Carole Dowling