What should I expect in an enjoy movement class?

All Enjoy Movement classes have been created with the principle of providing a safe, welcoming, effective and enjoyable class for anyone, no matter what their exercise experience or ability. We are acutely aware that there are many barriers to exercise and we aim to provide classes that help you overcome these so you can enjoy exercise in an inclusive, sociable and supportive environment.

We have tried to find solutions to some of the most common barriers. 

  • Our solution to lack of time was to create a 30-minute class (Enjoy Fitness and Enjoy HiT).  You work out and then get on with your day.   

  • We genuinely cater for different fitness levels and abilities.  There’s no pressure to try and keep up, risking embarrassment, or worse, injury.  Everything can be regressed and progressed for different levels, within the class. 

  • We keep the numbers small so our Instructors can give you personal attention.   This is your work out, not the Instructors. They are there to coach, support and encourage you, so that you can do the best that you can.

  • We are a friendly, welcoming bunch!  Gyms and fitness spaces can be very intimidating places, we create classes that are inclusive, friendly, sociable and welcoming.  Where there is no pressure to compare or compete.

As well as the mood boosting, energising result of our classes there are, of course, physical benefits.

  • Increased muscle mass and bone density (great for supporting a healthy metabolism, protecting our joints and protecting against osteoperosis as we get older).

  • Improved cardiovascular fitness (healthy heart and lungs)

  • Creating a body fit for life (we focus on functional movement patterns to support you in everyday activities).

In our Enjoy Fitness classes we use bodyweight only, no complicated choreography or equipment and focus on getting basic functional moves right, so you can exercise safely and effectively.   In our opinion, it’s important to move well and use bodyweight as resistance, before you start loading on weights. 

Boxing is a big part of The Enjoy Movement and our Enjoy Boxing classes and workshops are very popular.

Boxing challenges you physically and mentally, in a really fun way and the vast mjaority of our clients say it is a highlight of their personal training sessions.

In an Enjoy Boxing class you and your partner alternate between wearing the boxing gloves and the focus pads, so one of you throws the punches and the other catches them.   You work together through a series of boxing moves and combinations, mixed with cardio and strength exercises, to complete a fantastic workout, which leaves you physically and mentally challenged but ready for anything!   

It’s a high energy class, to a great playlist, and it feels so good to make contact and punch some stress away.

Boxing also has major health benefits:

 ·      It is an intense cardio workout, so it’s great for heart and lung health.

·       It strengthens bones and muscles, particularly upper body, core and gluts. 

·       It improves balance and coordination

·       It is mentally challenging, you have to focus 100%, so it is great for minds too.

·       It lifts your mood and leaves you feeling ready for anything!

·       It’s a great stress reliever

 If you’re nervous about trying something new just get in touch. We offer 30-minute one to one coaching sessions so you can learn the basics or hone your skills. We always provide a variety of options for different levels, so you won’t get left behind.

Aside from all the wonderful physical benefits of all the classes we currently run, the most common feedback received is that the classes are enjoyable. Clients look forward to coming and the wonderful feeling they get post class that lifts them for the rest of the day.

The best form of exercise is undoubtedly the one you enjoy and can therefore do consistently, so our passion is always to give you an enjoyable and uplifting experience.

Carole Dowling